Category: Case Studies

The J-Band Blog

Asphalt Materials & Evergreen Roadworks Work Together to Perform a Successful J-Band Project in Calumet, WI

Many road experts know that the first part of a pavement to fail is the longitudinal joint.  By using a void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM) like J-Band®, you can extend the life of your road three fold.  J-Band is applied in a band (typically 18’’ wide) at the intended location...
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LJS Project is Successful in Effingham County, Illinois

A void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM), more commonly known as a longitudinal joint sealant (LJS), is gaining momentum in the state of Illinois.   At the time of road construction, VRAM is applied under the surface where the longitudinal joint will be placed. After placement of hot mix asphalt (HMA), the...
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VRAM Extends the Life of IL-1 in Crawford County, IL 

All road experts know that the first part of the pavement to fail is the longitudinal joint. Elements such as air, water and dust work their way into voids in the pavement, causing deterioration and cracking the pavement. That is why it is important to invest in a safety net,...
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Four Years Later, US-30 in Bucyrus, Ohio Still Stands Strong 

J-Band®, Asphalt Material Inc.’s (AMI) void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM), has been successfully used in states across the Midwest to optimize tax dollars, reduce maintenance, and save lives. By investing in J-Band you can have longer-lasting roads that in turn reduce the amount of time your workers are exposed to...
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A Successful VRAM Project Review on U.S. Route 6, in Henry County, Ohio

The longitudinal joint is often the first part of the pavement to fail because the joint is one of the most permeable parts of the road, and therefore, vulnerable to air, water and dust. These elements work their way down through the joint causing deterioration, cracking, and can create potholes...
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The Future of Rumble Strips: Innovative Materials for Enhanced Durability

Drivers are distracted now more than ever. Whether it be falling asleep behind the wheel or texting while driving, drivers are not paying attention to the roads. So, it is important to invest in a proven safety tool, centerline rumble strips (CLRS). Though rumble strips save lives, they may reduce...
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