Category: Specialty Products

The J-Band Blog

Sealing Joints Between Asphalt-Concrete Interfaces

VRAM is placed along the edge shoulder of a concrete lane so the asphalt-concrete interface can be sealed
Whenever asphalt pavement is laid along a concrete surface, such as a concrete lane, shoulder or curb, it is crucial to obtain a good bond. Bonding hot mix asphalt (HMA) to concrete is challenging as the HMA can pull away from the concrete creating an opening at the interface. These...
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Preserving Longitudinal Joints: Kalamazoo Gets VRAM Too

truck paved VRAM
Longitudinal joint deterioration has posed a continual issue for engineers, applicators, and the communities we live in. When longitudinal joints fail, the rest of the pavement is soon to follow, leading to unplanned road maintenance at significant cost and risk to agencies and the public.   Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) was...
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J-Band’s Shadow on Road Construction

J-Band Shadow appears on a freshly paved HMA mat
The Shadow Take a close look at a hot mix asphalt (HMA) mat paved over J-Band. In the right circumstances, there is a shadow that appears. Above the band where the J-Band was laid, the HMA mix often appears visibly darker after the rolling operation. Why does this happen and...
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A Safer Way: Eliminating Centerline Density Testing

Worker cut by the core sampler samples of asphalt concrete on the road. Asphalt concrete cores close-up
Road construction can be dangerous. Vehicles zoom past field workers at hazardous speeds. One of the riskiest places to be is near the centerline of a busy road. Quality control technicians have lost their lives when performing density tests at the joint. Unfortunately, density testing of the center longitudinal joint...
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The Path to Success in Jersey County with VRAM Technology

Written by Naarah Holloway By applying a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) at the time of construction to longitudinal joints, local and state Department of Transportations (DOTs) can ensure their roads are less vulnerable to elements, such as water and air. VRAM fills pavement voids in the longitudinal joints from...
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VRAM Restores I-74 in Shelbyville, Indiana

Everyone in the road construction industry knows that the longitudinal joint is often the first part of the pavement to fail. This is because many joints are susceptible to elements such as air, water, and dust. These elements work their way down through the joint causing deterioration, cracking, and therefore...
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