When roads last longer, infrastructure money goes further.

An investment in protecting the longitudinal joint helps roads last up to five years longer and delivers a return on investment of three to five times its cost.

The longitudinal joint is the Achilles’ heel of every paved road. 

Road managers know that the longitudinal joint is the first part of the pavement to fail. As a road’s most permeable part, this joint is susceptible to the elements. Air and water work down through this gap causing the joint to deteriorate, crack and pothole. And when the longitudinal joint fails, the rest of the road soon follows—triggering the need for even more maintenance. 

Since 2002, J-Band has grown in popularity and is now found on roads across 19 states and the District of Columbia. By integrating J-Band into projects you are able to save time, money, and lives. 

Connect with our experts or scroll down to explore some of our available resources.

Learn more about how J-Band
can impact the future of infrastructure.


Rumble Strip Infographic

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Save Time, Money, and Lives

Rumble Strip Video

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Transportation Research Board

Poster & Paper

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A system for saving roads and money.


J-Band is easily integrated into the normal asphalt road construction process.


Using a spray bar, J-Band is applied on top of existing pavement under the eventual location of the longitudinal joint.

Fast Acting

In under 30 minutes, the sprayed area is ready for traffic.

Upward Movement 

Once the asphalt has been laid, J-Band migrates upward to fend off air and water.

Long Lasting

J-Band is proven to extend the life of the longitudinal joint three to five years or more.

Money Saving

On the average roadway, every dollar invested in J-Band can save at least two dollars in avoided and deferred maintenance costs.

What can J-Band do for all of America’s roads?

Connect with one of our experts to discover how J-Band can support your policy and budgetary goals.