The longitudinal joint is often the first part of the pavement to fail because the joint is one of the most permeable parts of the road, and therefore, vulnerable to air, water and dust. These elements work their way down through the joint causing deterioration, cracking, and can create potholes as a result. When the longitudinal joint fails, the rest of the road soon follows.
That is why it is recommended to apply void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM), such as J-Band at the time of road construction. When applied, it significantly reduces air voids in longitudinal joints from the bottom up, protects the road from air and water intrusion and extends the life of the road pavement.
Project Details
- Owner: Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)
- Prime Paving Contractor: Gerken
- Applicator: Gerken
- Location: Henry County, Ohio | US-6
- Project: 210312
- Date Constructed: September 28, 2021
- Date Reviewed: November 13, 2023
- Weather Conditions Day of Review: Sunny and cool, 55 degrees
AMI’s Support Engineer Chad Crosby reviewed U.S. Route 6 in Henry County, Ohio, on November 13, 2023. This project starts at the Henry County line and goes east to SR-34 in Ridgeville Corners, Ohio.
Project Observations
This project was reviewed two years after the initial construction and runs through the far northernmost part of Ohio. During the initial construction, there were rumble strips installed into the road, and two years after initial construction they are still in great shape.
No flushing or raveling of the asphalt was identified during this project review. However, there was a minimal crack noticed at the CR-24 intersection where rumble strips were not cut. This project overall has not required any maintenance work in the last two years, including crack sealing or patching.

The review of U.S. Route 6 was deemed prosperous. J-Band is continuing to protect the road’s centerline joint without any further maintenance work having to be done. By investing in J-Band, agencies can save time, money and lives!
For a closer look at projects that have incorporated a VRAM during construction and to discover the benefits of longer-lasting roads in terms of cost savings, time efficiency, and safety, you can explore our interactive map here.
Editor’s Notes:
J-Band®, CCAP® and T-Bond® are registered trademarks of Asphalt Materials, Inc.
AMIBIND™, AMIBOND™, AMICYCLE™, AMIGUARD™ and AMISEAL™ are trademarks of Asphalt Materials, Inc.
J-Band® was created in the labs of the Heritage Research Group (HRG) and is a product of Asphalt Materials, Inc. (AMI).