Tag: Asphalt Materials

The J-Band Blog

Calumet County Wisconsin Helping to Create Longer Lasting, Safer Roads

Many states are looking for methods to improve longitudinal joint performance of their pavements, since these joints often fail before the rest of the surface. With the inherently lower density at the longitudinal joints we often see pavements fail by cracking, raveling, and potholing. Lower density is synonymous with higher...
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Janesville, WI Records Successful First Application of VRAM

On September 9, the city of Janesville, Wisconsin recorded their first use of VRAM on Beloit Avenue. This project is part of the City of Janesville’s 2021 Street Rehabilitation Program. The road was tacked Wednesday evening September 8. Then pre-dawn on the Thursday, 4,663 LF of VRAM was placed.  Later...
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DuPage County Illinois Finds Success Protecting Pavements

Studies have shown that longitudinal joints in pavements are often the weakest areas of a road. Typically the joints are low in density, high in voids and thus are highly permeable. These areas become conduits to air and water infiltration which leads to damage and premature pavement failure.(1) During the...
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Oakland County Michigan Finds Success Using VRAM

Used since 2002 and now across 19 states, J-Band has a proven track record of delivering longer road life, while also offering an impressive return on investment. Developed at the laboratories of Heritage Research Group, J-Band is applied during the road construction process just below the final layer of asphalt...
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InDOT (Rush County) finds success with VRAM on SR-44

Since 2002, J-Band has been setting a new standard across many states as a proven approach that protects centerline joints from premature failure. Asphalt Material's J-Band product is a void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM). This particular project took place in May of 2021 in central Indiana between the towns of...
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