The J-Band Blog

Six Years and Counting: VRAM Continues to Protect The Longitudinal Joints of Ohio’s Roads

What if I told you, that you could add 5 years of extra life to your roads? Would you do it? We know that when roads last longer, infrastructure money goes further. This is a very important topic given the vast amount of dollars that are invested in America's roads...
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Four Years Later VRAM is Still Protecting Henry County Ohio Roads

VRAM 2021. An Update of Past Projects. The year 2021 was another important year for VRAM, as we added several states to the list of those with VRAM experience. It is now 21 states and The District of Columbia. The year 2021 was also important from the perspective of how...
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What Does a VRAM Treated Road Look like 4.5 Years AFTER Initial Construction?

VRAM 2021. Analyzing Performance of Previous Year's Projects. The year 2021 was another important year for VRAM, as several states were added to the list of those with VRAM experience. It is now 21 states and The District of Columbia. The year 2021 was also important from the perspective of...
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