Category: RPE

The J-Band Blog

A Solution to Joint Density Failure: J-Band + Rapid Penetrating Emulsion (RPE)

Achieving adequate density at the longitudinal joint of a road is challenging. Well-constructed joints typically have 1-2% lower density than the mat, while poorly constructed joints can be 5-10% lower. When the density at the joint is considerably less than that of the mat, the joint area has more air...
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Transportation Builder: Innovative Solutions Protect the Weakest Part of Pavement

Below is an excerpt from the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)’s July/August 2023 Transportation Builder issue.  Have you ever heard the expression, “A chain is no stronger than its weakest link?” The adage can be applied to road construction. No matter how strong and durable your materials, if...
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Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. This is a great time to remind drivers about the importance of remaining aware and alert for motorcyclists. One way that the DOTs are helping keep riders safe is through the installation of rumble strips and reflective pavement markings.  The Important Role Rumble Strips...
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VRAM + RPE = The Joint Solution

When it comes to road construction, it is important to ensure that roads are safe, durable, and sustainable. However, the longitudinal joint can be the Achilles’ heel of a paved road. Left unprotected, road managers know that the longitudinal joint is the first part of the pavement to fail. As...
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AMIGUARD™ a Rapidly Penetrating Emulsion

Asphalt Material's Latest Innovation. Anyone who travels knows the importance of a smooth, safe drive—which is why cracks and potholes can ruin a journey. These obstacles can be caused by issues below the exterior, but applying the right formula to the surface of a road can have a much deeper...
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