Tag: Asphalt Materials

The J-Band Blog

Six Years and Counting: VRAM Continues to Protect The Longitudinal Joints of Ohio’s Roads

What if I told you, that you could add 5 years of extra life to your roads? Would you do it? We know that when roads last longer, infrastructure money goes further. This is a very important topic given the vast amount of dollars that are invested in America's roads...
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Protect The Longitudinal Joint. Protect The Entire Road.

Road managers know that the longitudinal joint is the first part of the pavement to fail. As a road’s most permeable part, this joint is susceptible to the elements. Air and water work down through this gap causing the joint to deteriorate, crack and pothole. And when the longitudinal joint...
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Annual Review ODOT’s Henry County US-6 VRAM Project

Projects utilizing innovative technologies are frequently built with both a test and a control section to understand how that technology performs. Our teams have been involved in several test and control projects across the country to help us and our partners understand the long-term gains J-Band® can have on a...
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Employee Spotlight: Dennis Justice

Dennis Justice, recently appointed Specialty Products Operations Leader, shares his life journey and how he got to where he is today! (more…)
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Washtenaw County Road Commission of Michigan using CimLine to apply VRAM!

About this project: A road construction project utilizing a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) took place on September 23rd through the 24th with the Washtenaw County Road Commission in Washtenaw County, Michigan. This was a County Project. Pavement Maintenance System applied VRAM to multiple joints on Packard Road with a...
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Clinton County, Iowa Investing Infrastructure Dollars into VRAM

About this project: A VRAM project took place on Z40, also known as 400th Avenue, in Clinton County, Iowa on October 3rd. This was a 21,679-foot project with a 2,609-foot control section. The project covered the stretch from 140th Street to the city of Miles. The control section runs from...
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