Tag: enhanced tax-payer confidence

The J-Band Blog

Why Some Say – ‘VRAM. When It’s Down, It’s Done!’

Project: US Highway 20 in Sandusky County Ohio. The year 2021 was another important year for VRAM, as we added several states to the list of those with VRAM experience. It is now 21 states and The District of Columbia. Protect The Longitudinal Joint. Protect The Entire Road. Road managers...
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How is Wayne County Ohio Creating a More Resilient Infrastructure ?

VRAM Continues to Pay Dividends Even Four Years After Initial Construction. The year 2021 was another important year for VRAM, as we added several states to the list of those with VRAM experience. It is now 21 states and The District of Columbia. VRAM stands for a Void Reducing Asphalt...
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