Tag: J-Band

The J-Band Blog

Over 20 years of J-Band Preserving Roads with Evergreen Roadworks

two men in construction gear walk behind a truck on a road that is being paved with J-Band
The Need for a Longitudinal Joint Sealant  Every road is built with significant weak points where water can more easily permeate the pavement causing cracks and potholes. Road experts agree that longitudinal joints and rumble strips are the first to succumb to deterioration. Longitudinal joints typically have higher than normal...
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J-Band Fortifies the Centerline of SR-41 in Adams County, OH

A large truck sprays a thing band of liquid asphalt on the right of a road centerline
Road experts agree that the most vulnerable part of pavement is the center longitudinal joint. When facing natural elements and tension stress, voids in the joint lead to cracking and deterioration. This is why a void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM) is essential to maintaining roads.   Applied just prior to construction,...
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How to Test the Permeability of Your Roadway

Have you ever wondered why your longitudinal joint is cracking and deteriorating over time? It’s probably because the pavement joint is highly permeable, which allows elements such as water and air to seep into the pavement and break it down. Pavement joints are traditionally hard areas to obtain density, leading...
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VRAM Extends the Life of IL-1 in Crawford County, IL 

All road experts know that the first part of the pavement to fail is the longitudinal joint. Elements such as air, water and dust work their way into voids in the pavement, causing deterioration and cracking the pavement. That is why it is important to invest in a safety net,...
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J-Band & Centerline Rumble Strips Working Together to Improve the Safety of Otterville Road

Otterville Road in Jersey County, Illinois, is a 25-year-old pavement that has experienced several roadway fatalities and departure accidents over the years. Jersey County Highway department decided to take a stand and make improvements. Jersey County utilized Highway Safety Improvement Funds to implement this project. The Highway Safety Improvement Program...
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The Future of Rumble Strips: Innovative Materials for Enhanced Durability

Drivers are distracted now more than ever. Whether it be falling asleep behind the wheel or texting while driving, drivers are not paying attention to the roads. So, it is important to invest in a proven safety tool, centerline rumble strips (CLRS). Though rumble strips save lives, they may reduce...
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