The J-Band Blog

Toledo’s Busiest Street Remains Well-Protected After Five Years

Before the centerline of a road is created, J-Band® can help save three of the most important things to any engineer, applicator or community: time, money and lives. J-Band is Asphalt Materials, Inc.’s (AMI) void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM). It extends the life of pavements by as much as five...
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VRAM Restores I-74 in Shelbyville, Indiana

Everyone in the road construction industry knows that the longitudinal joint is often the first part of the pavement to fail. This is because many joints are susceptible to elements such as air, water, and dust. These elements work their way down through the joint causing deterioration, cracking, and therefore...
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Sheboygan County Protects County Road LL with VRAM

By applying a void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM) at the time of construction to longitudinal joints, local and state departments of transportation can ensure their roads are less vulnerable to water that could otherwise seep into the voids. VRAM fills pavement voids in the longitudinal joints from the bottom up...
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Successful VRAM Application on SR-62 in Licking County, Ohio 

Written by Naarah Holloway Did you know that the first part of the pavement to fail is the longitudinal joint? This is due to the joint being vulnerable to elements such as water and air. The elements work their way through the joint through a gap which causes the joint...
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VRAM Strengthens Rice Lake Road in St. Louis County, MN

Project Summary   The longitudinal joints in pavements are often the weakest points of a road, but applying a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) at the time of construction fills the pavement voids and reduces the joint’s vulnerability to the elements and permeability. This ultimately leads to stronger, safer, and more...
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VRAM Application in Ottawa County, Ohio

Pavement preservation due to longitudinal joint cracking has been a recurring problem for a long time. Not only is this an issue for road construction engineers, but for applicators, drivers, and those that live in the community.   J-Band®, Asphalt Material Inc.’s void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM), significantly reduces air voids...
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