Author: Chyanna Outlaw

The J-Band Blog

Wiltshire Road in Oakland County Strengthened Using VRAM 

Written by Naarah Holloway The longitudinal joint is the Achilles' heel of every paved road. When elements like water and air enter the longitudinal joint through air voids, the road condition can worsen quickly. This can lead to many issues such as potholing, rutting, cracking, and more.   Applying a...
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A Successful VRAM Application on IL-48

Written by Naarah Holloway Everyone in the road construction industry knows that the longitudinal joint is often the first part of the pavement to fail. This is because the air voids in longitudinal joints make them more susceptible to elements such as air and water and dust than the rest of...
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Beyond Asphalt: Optimizing SR-62 with VRAM Technology

Written by Naarah Holloway Asphalt, often overlooked in our daily lives, is the unsung hero beneath our feet. It provides a smooth, reliable surface for our driveways, roads, parking lots, and more. Although asphalt is important, the deterioration of the road can lead to a multitude of issues such as potholing,...
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The Path to Success in Jersey County with VRAM Technology

Written by Naarah Holloway By applying a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) at the time of construction to longitudinal joints, local and state Department of Transportations (DOTs) can ensure their roads are less vulnerable to elements, such as water and air. VRAM fills pavement voids in the longitudinal joints from...
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Successful VRAM Application on SR-62 in Licking County, Ohio 

Written by Naarah Holloway Did you know that the first part of the pavement to fail is the longitudinal joint? This is due to the joint being vulnerable to elements such as water and air. The elements work their way through the joint through a gap which causes the joint...
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Elevating Road Durability: VRAM Protects Hillsdale County’s Camden Road 

Written by Naarah Holloway Longitudinal joint deterioration has posed a significant issue for engineers, applicators, and for the communities we live in. The longitudinal joint is created when one lane of hot mix asphalt (HMA) is laid adjacent to an existing lane. Differences in the lanes’ temperature and mat plasticity...
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