The J-Band Blog

City of Bloomington, Illinois Utilizing VRAM

About this project: On October 6th, a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane, (VRAM), project took place on McLean Street in the city of Bloomington, Illinois. This 33,291-foot project that occurred on McLean Street stretched from East Oakland Avenue to East Washington. (Note: in Illinois VRAM is often referred to as LJS)....
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Clinton County, Iowa Investing Infrastructure Dollars into VRAM

About this project: A VRAM project took place on Z40, also known as 400th Avenue, in Clinton County, Iowa on October 3rd. This was a 21,679-foot project with a 2,609-foot control section. The project covered the stretch from 140th Street to the city of Miles. The control section runs from...
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Champaign County, Illinois Extending Infrastructure Dollars with VRAM.

About this project: A Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane, (VRAM), project took place on I-57 in Champaign County, Illinois on October 5th. This was a 70,688-foot project, running from 2 miles South of Thomasboro to US-136 in Rantoul. IDOT designated VRAM for the application to the centerline joint. (Note: in Illinois...
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IDOT Investing in VRAM to Save Infrastructure Dollars

About This Project: A project utilizing VRAM took place on IL-49 in Vermillion County, Illinois on September 27th. This was a 14.5-mile, two-lane project. It began on the southern end at US-150 west of Fithian, ending at US-136 on the northern end. IDOT designated VRAM for the application to the...
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How Lawrence County, IL Creates a More Resilient and Reliable Infrastructure

About this project: A Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane, (VRAM), project took place on August 29th and 30th in Lawrence County, Illinois. This 66,040-foot project took place on IL-33 from the Crawford County line to Old US 50. VRAM was designated for application to the centerline joint with a width of...
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VRAM Helping Franklin County, Ohio Create More Sustainable Roads

About this project: A VRAM project took place on August 25th in Franklin County, Ohio. This Ohio Department of Transportation, (ODOT), project was on I-71, from SLM 25.61 north to SLM 27.74 and I-270 from SLM 24.55 east to SLM 26.50. VRAM was also applied to the centerline joint on...
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