Category: Research and Studies

The J-Band Blog

Annual Review ODOT’s Henry County US-6 VRAM Project

Projects utilizing innovative technologies are frequently built with both a test and a control section to understand how that technology performs. Our teams have been involved in several test and control projects across the country to help us and our partners understand the long-term gains J-Band® can have on a...
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CAIT Evaluates the Performance of J-BAND® a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane

On September 22, 2022, Rutgers University's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and their Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT®) conducted a study on the Pennsylvania Turnpike evaluating the performance of J-Band®. About the Project A Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) project was performed on the Pennsylvania Turnpike between...
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Annual Review of ODOT’s J-Band® Project of Williams County US-6

Background Summary of Project Purpose: Aside from ensuring that J-Band® is utilized in projects across the nation to provide longer-lasting safer roads, we often construct projects that have a test and control section to understand what impact J-Band can have on roads. Each year, these test and control projects undergo...
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IDOT utilizes VRAM in Massac County, Illinois

Project Details A road construction project utilizing a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) project took place on November 8th in Massac County, Illinois. (Note: in Illinois VRAM is often referred to as LJS). This road construction project runs from Teague Hill Road to Benton Road. VRAM was applied with a...
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Learn How Illinois is Protecting the Centerline Joint with VRAM.

About this project: A Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane, (VRAM), project took place on July 11th and 12th in Fayette County. This was a state project. This project on US-40 was from Kaskaskia River Bridge to 0.1 miles east of US-51, through IL-185 east of Vandalia to 0.2 miles south of...
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AMIGUARD™ a Rapidly Penetrating Emulsion

Asphalt Material's Latest Innovation. Anyone who travels knows the importance of a smooth, safe drive—which is why cracks and potholes can ruin a journey. These obstacles can be caused by issues below the exterior, but applying the right formula to the surface of a road can have a much deeper...
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